The Path to Success, or This is a Lie

People often ask me how I got to be so successful.

I’m the author of seven books and I run a profitable coaching business, so folks are naturally curious to know my path to success.

Here’s the answer…

I’m successful because I was born into a wealthy and highly regarded family. I was raised by a mother and father who loved each other deeply, never fought, and always put their children’s needs first.

As I grew older, my parents supported my every artistic desire, and provided the financial cushion I needed to get my career as an author up and running. As a result, I’ve never had to get a day job. I’ve never mopped the floors of a Blockbuster Video store at 1 am, stocked cigarettes behind the cash of a gas station at 6 am, or filled out spreadsheets from 9 am to 5 pm in some dreary cubicle for years on end.

Instead, my life has been the artist’s life.

I’ve lived a life of genius, leisure, and pure creative exploration. The total freedom of this lifestyle has allowed me to focus on my health, as well as my intellect. I sleep as much as I want and I never miss a workout with my personal trainer.

My life has been a relentless pursuit towards a state of total perfection, and I’ve now reached a point where I know everything and never make mistakes.

I’m successful because everything in my life has come together seamlessly to support getting me to where I am now, which is exactly where I always knew I would be right from the start.

And that my, friend, is why I’m so successful.


Maybe none of that is true.

Maybe it’s all a lie.

Maybe my life has been full of struggles, debt, and broken homes.

Maybe I don’t know everything.

Maybe I’m 25 lbs. overweight and exhausted most of the time because I work seven days a week.

Maybe my books aren’t universally beloved, and not everyone resonates with my coaching.

Maybe, just maybe, the only reason I’m successful is because:

  • I studied (and continue to study) my craft;
  • I put in the hours of practice needed to get good at it;
  • I made huge mistakes and difficult sacrifices every step of the way; and
  • I didn’t give up on my dreams, no matter how difficult things got.

Maybe that’s why I’m successful.

And maybe it’s the reason I’m totally confident YOU can be successful too.

You can stop waiting for a perfect life to support your writing.

It’s not coming.

Because it doesn’t exist.

We all have challenges, setbacks, heartbreaks, and competing responsibilities.

Study hard.

Work hard.

Make mistakes.

Don’t give up.

That’s the path to success.

This post was inspired by writing coach Jennie Nash’s excellent article, “Stop Waiting for a Miracle.” Read it here.

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